
Leadership in times of Corona

Leadership in times of Corona

A couple of weeks ago we were happily following our daily routines. We grabbed our coffee mugs, slowly walked over to our teams and chatted with them. 

Three steps to make distributed Teams work

Three steps to make distributed Teams work

As Agility in Mind launch our new training course designed to help distributed teams work effectively, we share our experiences on the reality of remote working.

COVID - How to work from home efficiently

COVID - How to work from home efficiently

Due to danger of coronavirus spread many organizations decided to switch to the remote work model. Besides the influence on Scrum implementation,

Remote Agile - Practices & Tools

Remote Agile - Practices & Tools

Agile has always been about colocation, about direct communication, physical boards, and all the other haptic and analog moments to create value in the digital realm.

Story Points Estimate Effort Not Just Complexity

Story Points Estimate Effort Not Just Complexity

A client asked me, "When will my team be done with this project?" This is probably the bazillionth time I've been asked that agile project management question in one way or another.

Previous Next

There is No Spotify Model for Scaling Agile

After the introduction of Agile at Spotify, there was a surge of interest from the IT community to understand what their model was, and how it could help others.

Business Agility - Getting Real

Business Agility - Getting Real

Business agility is concerned with the adoption and evolution of values, behaviors and capabilities that enable businesses and individuals to be more adaptive,

Value Stream Mapping

Value Stream Mapping

Agile focus on people, quality and speed, and Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a way to improve efficiency and maximize the value we deliver to our customers.


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